Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Maeve's 3 year old stats

Maeve had a great check-up yesterday. She told the doctor all about her day. She passed an eye exam where they had her match the letters to the eye chart. Her doctor reminded her that she needs to listen to Mom and Dad and get dressed in the morning and that she needs to poop in the potty. Her sister was with us because she had to get her 2nd flu shot. Mom had her hands full with a crying infant after the shot and while feeding her a bottle the toddler exclaimed that she had to go potty. So here I am with one kid in one hand feeding a bottle and the other trying to poop on the potty. Then there was some spit up and a poopy diaper by the infant. I don't know how people do it when they have multiple babies that are the same age! It was crazy but I'm happy that Maeve had a good check up and that Cecilia is finally on the mend after 3 weeks out of daycare. Luckily daycare refunded us a week of tuition! So let's hope that's all we have to deal with for a while.

Maeve's stats:

Height: 37.6" (65%)

Weight: 32.6 lbs (67%)

And here is a picture of Maeve with her birthday twin, Vivian, at school celebrating their birthday. She did not like the cupcakes so she got a special drink and cookies!


  1. Try raising three children by yourself when Jan was working and get them all up, dressed and to church by yourself!! Not the funnest but very rewarding!! Aren't kids special. They never seem to be on a schedule that satisfies Mom or Dad!! It is their schedule versus Mom and Dad's schedule.
    very precious kids and glad the checkup went super other than the potty needs

  2. So happy for a great 3 year check up!! That's hysterical, nothing like multi-tasking!!

  3. Hard to believe that Maeve is already three years old! Good times at the doctor's office!!😅 I am glad that Cecilia is finally better.
